Saturday, August 18, 2012

So Many New Things!

This is the first new post in a while.  Big things are happening here, both on the home front and in the business.  My 3 year old daughter, who will be 4 in December, just started head-start and also ballet.  She loves it and is doing so well at both!  She is growing up far too quickly.  My 1 year old, who will be in 2 in December, is super talkative and amazingly smart.  They both are incredible.  My husband and I are doing fantastic as well.  We are more in love than ever and growing closer each day.  This October will make 6 years of marriage for us and we are truly looking forward to a lifetime more.  

Now, on to the business part.  LOL.  

The newest bit of news is the creation of my custom logo.  I drew it myself and had it digitalized by the wonderful April from Creative Ape Studios.  Check her out for all your digital needs.  :)  I chose to draw this particular design  to express a lot of my creative mediums including gift baskets, sock animals, crocheting, and sewing.  I just LOVE how it turned out.

I am currently working on creating a new email newsletter that will be sent out monthly.  Each newsletter will contain news on the business, a feature on another wonderful business, email exclusive contests, updates on events that Gifket will be participating in, among other surprise tid bits.

Gifket will be working with Kiss the Toad Creations to host a "Cape Crusader" party for the kids at the local Ronald McDonald House located in Chattanooga.  We are all hoping to make this a nation wide event.  Typically at these events there are superhero cupcakes, a photographer to take pictures, superhero balloons, gift basket raffles and a few actual Superheroes in Costume mingling with the kids. Each child at the Ronald McDonald House and their siblings will also receive a custom made superhero cape from Kiss The Toad Creations.  I am personally very excited to be apart of this wonderful cause.

Speaking of causes, another thing I will be doing is donating a portion of my profits each month to worthy causes, some choices of mine, some nominated by friends, family, or customers.  For more info, please see the note on the Gifket Facebook page.  

Thank you so much for reading my newest post and I promise to keep it up!  :)  

Thursday, January 12, 2012

My Original Muse and Inspiration

Yesterday was an emotional day for me. It was my mother's 75th birthday. Usually, birthdays are a happy occasion. And I'm sure that for her, it was a wonderful birthday. You see, my mom passed away December 30, 2006 from a heart attack at the age of 69. So yes, it was a great birthday for her! She got to celebrate with Jesus. :) For those of us left here, it was a roller coaster of emotions kind of day. While I am thrilled that she gets to celebrate the best way possible and be completely pain free, I was still extremely sad that I could not be there with her or vis versa. I miss her terribly and it kills me that she can't be here but I am very glad that she is much happier and no longer sick. It helps me to remember her and how much she has influenced me in every aspect of my life, especially my parenting and my crafting. And that is what this blog is about.

(This is the last picture I ever got of my moma. It was at our wedding.)

Not to really get into a long drawn out explanation on my life (that would take a much longer blog LOL), I was adopted by my maternal grandmother, which explains her age (yea, you know you wondered about that, most ppl do). That being said, she was a very creative person. She painted, crocheted, sewed, drew, etc. I grew up watching her do these things and learning from her. Thanks to her, I used to make doll clothes from scraps at my aunts house. She helped me make my first apron for a 4H project. She taught me to draw and paint, using so much patience to help me get it. She taught my cousin and me to crochet a blanket when my cousin broke her ankle. I still have both baby doll blankets I crocheted when I was little. To this day, I still have two of her paintings. Here are pics of them.

I still remember her painting these. :)

This wonderful woman is my original muse and an inspiration to keep going when my crafts might get a bit much. Every time I sit at my sewing machine (which was hers as well. i sure love that old piece of machinery), every time i pick up a needle, or a drawing pencil, or anything crafty or artsy, I think about her. About how she worked so hard to raise me properly, to give me a love for life, for art, crafts, family, and especially God. She never told me I couldn't do something; she always told me to work hard, trust God, and I could accomplish anything I want. I remember that during the hardest times in life and it helps so much. She instilled in me such a love and passion for creating things, it can not be extinguished. I love it. And I truly hope she can look down on me and see what I am doing with the talent and teaching she has passed down on me and that I am passing it on to my kids when they show interest.

This has been a more personal blog but I love to know where people's inspiration comes from so I hope you have enjoyed reading it.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

In all times, be crafty

About a month and a half ago, my oldest daughter, Elora, broke her ankle in a tricycle accident. This happened on Nov. 18th and she got her cast on a week after that, then finally got it off on Dec. 21st, which is also her birthday. What a birthday! Lol. Well, after it happened, I was trying to think of some things I could get or make for her to do while being stuck on the couch that first week until she got her cast on, because as you can imagine (or probably know), it is incredibly difficult to keep a two year old still for any amount of time. It was very hard on her as she rarely stays still anymore. I had planned on making her a fleece blanket and pillow set for Christmas so I went ahead and did that and also make a cushioned lap desk for her to use. I love the lap desks but can not imagine paying the crazy cost most of them have. Here are some pics of my baby girl all laid up.

Her using her lap desk and her pillow to prop her poor leg up.

The very nice doctor let her pick her cast color. She picked purple.
Imagine that. LOL.
Playing with her baby doll. She loves being a little mommy. :)

Pretending to nurse her baby. What a wonderful girl we have!

Well, I took pictures of the items I made for her also. I had found the fabric on clearance at Walmart. It is a cute little care bear fleece and a purple fleece. I had just enough to make everything I wanted.

This shows all the items.

The pillow, side and front. 19"x12"hre
The lap desk top, side, and bottom. Yes, the top is a cookie sheet. :) Elora picked out the ribbon wrapped around it.

Curled up with all of them. :)

She was so happy to get that cast off even though it took about a day before she could walk on it again. Now she uses the blanket (which is just the right size for her toddler bed) and pillow in bed and the lap desk when she colors on the couch still.

Just goes to show... In all times, be crafty! :)